


What is friendship?  
"Friendship should be as light as water", according to an old Chinese idiom.
So, what is your interpretation about "light as water"?

Does it mean how close or how often friends seeing each others? Well, maintaining a regular contact is indeed important, particularly in this high speed society today.  Family, friends or colleagues can easily communicate through internet today but it does not mean the quality of contact has improved. 

Today we probably know more people via e-community, we are probably getting more attention from people we don't even know their faces or real names.  But often I am puzzled by the question:  "if friends need to see each others often? 

When I was young, my best friends were my classmates and we hanged out almost every week, we were so close to each others like sisters.  Without thinking we were far apart because everyone put their works and families on their priority list.  Yes, I miss those happy days and I miss my friends.  Now I lost contact with them and I can only carry them in my heart. A valuable lesson in life is, it is very challenging for everyone copes with the balance between work, family and self; everyone is trying to cope with the time pressure everyday.  

It would be noble if I say I do not wish friends to think of me as I think of them.  Whenever I feel being left out,  father's teaching comes into my mind and reminds the following: 

A true friendship will not diminish because of less intensive face-to-face contact.  
Friendship is in the purity of thought and an unselfish mind.  
The circle of friendship is complete when you help others with a joyful heart. 

Mei Lan Hsiao 
Belgium Chinese Tea Arts Centre 

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