

Learning tea is deeper than you think

Learning tea is not that difficult, you just make yourself a cup of tea and besides teas are all coming from Camellia sinensis, right?
 Indeed, tea is very simple healthy drink that everyone can learn easily but how to deepen the learning will be another story. First of all, there are lots of varieties of tea trees under the family of Camellia sinensis.  Even the same type of tea tree shares the same DNA but the flavor and taste could be different.  Tea trees absorb the nutrition from the earth and underground water and any micro variance can make a difference:  1.       Growing from different area
2.       Tea plantations situating on different latitude or in different continent
3.       Growing in different seasons
4.       Using different processing techniques.
So there are lots of things to learn about how to select tea. What about how to prepare a cup of tea?  Well, I think the following questions probably will give you an idea about what you must learn to ask:1.       Teas that you choose are nature and authentic quality or aromatic teas?
2.       Do you know what and how to select water?
3.       How to manage the water temperature?
4.       How much quantity of tea to use?
5.       How to match water with tea?
6.       How to match tea with tea ware?
7.       How to manage the infusion time?
8.       Last but at least, how much are you aware about the essence of being flexible?  Getting stress already? Relax, don’t worry.
Actually learning tea is not that difficult as you think as well.  It all starts from brewing a cup of tea with a respectful and peaceful mind.  Let the journey lead without being pushing too much.  So, what in your cup today? 


Home-made herbal tea

A stupid fall that happened  on Tuesday caused a bone fracture on my right foot.  Now I could walk a little bit with the supporting bandage.  Couldn't walk too much and yet foot is getting heavy by sitting, so I decided to prepare myself a home-made herbal tea this afternoon:

Tea selection: 
Swiss organic Rose 
Gouden Bloem (Calendula officinalis) 
Mini bitter melon
White tea - Lu Xue Ya

Stimulate water and blood circulation 
Calm and ease anxiety
Gentle for stomach and good for spleen, liver and kidneys
Cooling heat, brilliant eyesight 
Stimulate energy flow

Tea Ware selection
Normal white porcelain teapot (0.5L) 

Water temperature
90 Celcius

Infusion time
+/- 2 minutes

Put my foot up on a chair and enjoy myself a cup of romantic afternoon tea. 

Today's sharing

I haven't have the pleasure to follow the teaching from Prof. David Tseng-Ping Fan but he is such inspiration and great teacher for those who would like to deepen the learning of tea.

With his permission I have compiled a blog update today, (An inspiration learning today).


Wuyi Da Hong Pao 2001

Last night a friend said he dislike Da Hong Pao because it was almost charcoal roasted.  It reminded me the Da Hong Pao that I have in my collection since 2001. 

The color for traditionally fermented Da Hong Pao from Wuyi region is indeed pretty dark because of high fermentation and heavy roasting processes.  But as I could recall, good quality Da Hong Pao won't have smoky aroma or flavor.  No matter what I thought it was time for me to taste the Da Hong Pao to evaluate the transformation after the over 10 years storage.  

The result was as good as I was expected.  Once I opened the tea bag I could sense that nature Pekoe aroma.  The taste is absolutely fabulous. I was charmed by its soft and smoothness starting from the first cup to the 6th cup. Behind the delightful nature fruity aroma, it tastes refreshing with a little bit mint flavor; it does not have any slight of bitter taste, not even astringent taste after the taste. 

Interesting to learn more about this tea? Please read my other blog:



What a great sharing and confession from!

It does not matter what kind of religion that you or I believe, religion is not what we say or claim, but is about how we are able to live based on what we believe. Whenever a religion leader or temple tries an empire or business-model, superstition or have political agenda.....then the risk for people being mislead is big. 

Now many people like to have a Buddha painting or status at home as 'decoration'. Is it just a peaceful decoration or is it something you believe and live? 

Kalu Rinpoche was so right that Buddha brings us together and people divide it apart. 

Each of us is an image of Buddha or God. We need to challenge ourselves constantly: Are we able to reach the root of inner peace and love from within? Are we able to let the light of Buddha or God that we hold within to shine for others? 

May peace and happiness with you.


Learning this morning

Early in the morning thought about searching for some nice pictures on line about Ch'an (Zen).  As I have expected, there were lots of sitting meditation photos.  

While cheering for those lovely photos, cannot help to think of a basic question again: 

What is Ch'an (Zen )?  

My learning since the first enlightenment in 1985 is:

Ch'an ( Zen) is lifetime learning.
It is not status or milestone of achievement that can measured or quantified in life
It is about how we live.
It is live itself.
It requires self-awareness, an open mind for self consciousness.
Happiness is not what we can expect from others or outside,
but we have to grow and work on it from inner self.
Whether one can perform the sitting meditation subjects to his/her physical condition.
It is about how we can relax our mind and reach the inner peace.

I have wasted a lot of time; have made a lot of mistakes and I have paid a lot of price.  I probably will even repeat some stupid mistakes in the future. When it seems there is no option in life, I know I still have one option.  That is to live a life without resentful, no regret, no panic, no fear by walking straight on the path of light and tranquility. 

Mei Lan Hsiao 
Belgium Chinese Tea Arts Centre 



What is friendship?  
"Friendship should be as light as water", according to an old Chinese idiom.
So, what is your interpretation about "light as water"?

Does it mean how close or how often friends seeing each others? Well, maintaining a regular contact is indeed important, particularly in this high speed society today.  Family, friends or colleagues can easily communicate through internet today but it does not mean the quality of contact has improved. 

Today we probably know more people via e-community, we are probably getting more attention from people we don't even know their faces or real names.  But often I am puzzled by the question:  "if friends need to see each others often? 

When I was young, my best friends were my classmates and we hanged out almost every week, we were so close to each others like sisters.  Without thinking we were far apart because everyone put their works and families on their priority list.  Yes, I miss those happy days and I miss my friends.  Now I lost contact with them and I can only carry them in my heart. A valuable lesson in life is, it is very challenging for everyone copes with the balance between work, family and self; everyone is trying to cope with the time pressure everyday.  

It would be noble if I say I do not wish friends to think of me as I think of them.  Whenever I feel being left out,  father's teaching comes into my mind and reminds the following: 

A true friendship will not diminish because of less intensive face-to-face contact.  
Friendship is in the purity of thought and an unselfish mind.  
The circle of friendship is complete when you help others with a joyful heart. 

Mei Lan Hsiao 
Belgium Chinese Tea Arts Centre 


Trying to hold the selling price

Euro is falling deep today (again) which means the increase of buying cost.  I will try to hold the selling price and hope a revival at end of the day or tomorrow.