

Is Pu-erh tea harmful for kidneys?

A friend who sell Pu-erh in Hong Kong recently asked me if it is true that Puerh tea is harmful for kidneys.  Actually it was not the first time people asked me that question.   

Belgium does not have tea culture, so frankly speaking not many people including medical scientists know about tea.  Certainly the knowledge about how to infuse tea is still very blur not to mention how to handle the loose leaves tea.

Tea is innocent and I really feel sad when knowing how tea again has been misunderstood and media reporter only translate what they have read but not willing to investigate deeper. 

For this subject, based on my learning I have prepared an article in both English and Chinese and have posted them in my blog today.  Welcome you to contribute your learning and opinion.


Prevention is important

For those who like to drink strong tea should aware that too much caffeine in strong tea might cause Osteoporosis. This is not just the issue for elderly people but also for young people who like to drink sugar-contain or high-caffeine soft drink.


Positive attitude

Father loved to collect Chinese calligraphy and brush paining
I couldn't paint and am not too good with calligraphy as father could
but I do learn how to appreciate from my father
Among collections from father, there is a brush painting of Siberia tiger making a long growl on top of mountain
Every time watching that painting, I couldn't help to think about what Dad has gone through in his life 
and the learning for life that he taught me: 
If considering success as if standing on top of mountain, 
then should realize there will be a day for sliding down. 
Success and failure are only a flicker of time in life,
attitude is the key for turning point. 
When going up, keep your head up, but make sure your steps are solid.
When walking down, watch over your steps and not necessary to bow your head with sorrow. 
When walking on the low ground, keep your back straight and move forward. 
The shadow behind can not be kept
The foot print that we leave behind should be careful 

Even though father has gone for long time but his teaching is getting finer as good aging Pu-Erh tea
the taste gets purer and richer throughout time. 
It supported and encouraged me when I suffer from extreme stress when I felt helpless 
because of unexpected chaos change when there were only sadness and darkness.
Even though I am still far away from any definition of being successful
but I don't forget the warning bell that father had taught me. 
Now it's my everyday's wake up alarm.  
Youth has gone that can't never come back again, 
tomorrow seems close but yet can be far. 
Today is the moment that I have to do my best, 
moving forward a step by step 
Don't expect everyone loves me
Knowing I can't satisfy everyone 
Only ask myself if I have done myself today or now
Only hope can face myself with peace. 
Mei Lan Hsiao 

Changing attitude, Changing life

If heart is bitter, then no matter how sweet life is,  one can still feel life is bitter
If heart is sweet, then no matter how bitter the life has been, still can taste the sweetness in one's heart.



在一次Made in Asia 的展覽活動中有一年青的比利時孩子問我 "要學多久能成為 Tea Master ? " 我跟他說, 茶與我結緣近50, 學茶學了近30, 今天還再開心學耶.  他愣住了.
學茶讓我學會放下, 學會自然面對與接受. 任何頭銜不管多高多有重量, 終有一天將遠去. 金錢, 權勢或是名望都是短暫的. 有如風過不留痕, 雨落無法留一般

是不是有 Tea Master 的頭銜對我一點影響也沒有.   重要的是是否有心學與持續學

用心的茶者皆知茶易學易懂, 然而如何深入則是一輩子沒有退休限制的工作


Tea - A life time learning

In a Made in Asia fair, a Belgian young boy asked me:
"How long does it take to become a Tea Master?"
I told him: 
I started to learn tea nearly 50 years ago and have been seriously learning and practicing tea for 30 years, and I am still learning today. 
The boy was stunned and speechless.

Learning tea helps me to learn to let go, learn to face and accept the natural rhythm in life.  All titles in the world regardless how high or how heavy that one can enjoy eventually will end the same ~ All titles, glories, wealth, beauty and fame are temporarily in life that eventually will fade away.  Like wind passed without leaving a trace, like rain falls that can not be held forever. 

Whether having a title as Tea Master or not does not bother me at all.  What important to me is if have faced the self-deficiency and tried my best to learn diligently.  

Anyone truly knowing tea and practicing tea, then they understand tea is very easy to learn and to understand, but practice takes a life time.     

Mei Lan Hsiao
Belgium Chinese Tea Arts Centre