

Life is like a cup of tea

Life and tea share a same learning philosophy:

Knowing what are yet to know and to learn 
opens the door for a new knowing journey

Bottleneck is not something horrible or problem if we could keep ourselves alert and do our best without giving up. The real issue is whether we can confront ourselves and not falling into self-complacency.  Self-complacency creates our own blindness.

Whether life is long or short, that's not something we should worry ourselves to dead.
Whether life is rich or poor, it is not entirely what you can measure by things or wealth that you can possess, but it's in your attitude to appreciate.

Tea is more than a drink but a peaceful learning process through a delicious and healthy drink. Same philosophy can be applied to everyday's life.  So what is in your cup for today?

Mei Lan Hsiao 
Belgium Chinese Tea Arts Centre 

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