

Life is like a cup of tea

Energy bubbles of tea

On top of the suface, the organic tea that I've brewed gave a kind of gelatine-like bubbles. The color of tea appeared in a very beautiful mirror and tranquility effects.

Of course if you pouring the water into pot or cup fast, there will generate some bubbles; but that bubbles will quicky disappear and is not same as the gelatine-like bubbles that can be found with organic tea. In Chinese such gelatine-like bubbles has another name - 茶氣 (Cha Qi) meaning energy from tea.

However, not all kind of teas could have this gelatine-like tea energy bubbles. According to my experience it can only be found organic teas which I believe it has something to do whether the quality is pure and non-toxie or not. In other word, the small gelatine-like tea energy bubbles give us signals for pure quality, and pure quality tea not only allow you to enjoy a genunine flavor and uncompromised taste.

Life is like a cup of tea

So if only pure quality tea could generate such beautiful energy bubbles, then what is the difference in our life based on the basic philosophy of being pure and tranquil?

Mei Lan Hsiao
Belgium Chinese Tea Arts Centre


有機茶的茶湯面上會偶些許凝膠狀的氣泡久久不散開. 茶湯清澈純靜, 亮麗精華中又有神.

但是不是每種茶都有茶氣, 這根茶是否純淨無毒有關. 通常在有機茶湯面上會看的到這種令人開心的氣泡.

當然如果你快速注水, 那在壺中或是杯裡會產生一些氣泡, 但是那些氣泡會很快消失, 完全跟那種凝聚狀氣泡是不一樣的.  專家稱這種凝聚狀的氣泡為 "茶氣".

這種茶氣只有在料很純淨的有機或是生態茶中才會看到. 這跟茶的純淨與無毒是有關連的. 這就是為什麼有機或是生態茶對人的身體健康有好處.


試想, 只有純與淨能產生凝聚型的茶氣.  純淨的茶不但是對身體健康好, 同時更讓你能享受那天然的持續清香與甘順.  那茶與人生在世做人處事講求純敬雅儒原則又有何不同呢?

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