

Friendships as water

An old Chinese idiom:
Friendship between gentlemen is as light as water

 When observing the change in garden starting from spring till today, flowers that have very strong sweetness aroma normally didn't last long. Year in and year out, the nature rhythm remains unchanged in such straight forwards and simple manner. What will happen in the garden next year, again it is something that can not be predicted now.  So what is the difference in the relationships or friendships between people?
The sooner we  can see through this nature rhythm of change, the sooner we can relief burden from our shoulders.
If we can maintain positive thinking and energy, then whether the day is a good day or bad day won't make too much different, isn't it?  Everything rest when the sun is sat and tomorrow is another day.
Mei Lan Hsiao
© Belgium Chinese Tea Arts Centre, 2012
古人訓: 君子之交淡如水.
看看園中花草自春到今, 只見濃香撲鼻招蝶的花都只能短暫而不能持續.
大自然的韻律如此, 人際之間的變化又有何不同?
是短暫是長久何苦活在恐懼與惶恐中. 看開了負擔都可相對的減少. 
春風拂面不停留, 水面漣漪不留痕
友誼何須重香豔, 點滴在心永長留


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